Parent Sign In

PowerSchool ID Creation

Step 1: Enter your current sign in information

Enter your Username and Password

— Or —

Student Sign In

Students - Click the button to sign in. You will be redirected to the Student sign in page.

PowerSchool for Grades 9 to 12 is unavailable during the Grade 12 final exams and grading period

PowerSchool para Grados de 9 to 12 no estará disponible durante el periodo de examenes finales y evaluación de Grado 12

Throughout the school year, PowerSchool will be accessible for students in grades 6 and above outside regular school hours. The platform will be unavailable from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, but will remain open during all other hours. ------ Durante el año escolar, PowerSchool estará accesible para los estudiantes de sexto grado en adelante en horas NO lectivas. La plataforma estará cerrada de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 18:00 p.m., pero permanecerá abierta durante todas las demás horas.